A division of Ohio Real Estate Auctions
1-877-BID-OHIO (243-6446) 

Performing foreclosure auctions and judicial
sales for banks and mortgage servicers

Ohio's Private Selling Officers

Foreclosure auction of vacant land

More Information

Court ordered minimum opening bid is $250,000. Previously slated for 128 residential condo units. Parcel # 003-18B-07-268 is 14.89 acres with 738.44 feet of frontage on Skyview Dr. Located in Brunswick city. Annual taxes are $20,440. Based on a Medina Co. appraisal of $1,206,130. Zoning for this parcel is C-G General commercial which provides multi-family, retail and office.   Parcel # 001-02B-01-016 is 0.96 acres and has 106.5 feet of frontage on Boston Rd just East of 42. Lot depth is 393.36 feet.  Annual taxes are $1,493 based on a Medina Co. appraisal of $72,840. Located in Brunswick hills township with Brunswick City schools. Zoning for this parcel is R-1 residential. The subject property wraps around the Forest Hills Rec Center which has a pool and tennis courts. 2012 appraisal is $850,000.


Lot Size: 2 parcels totaling 15.85 acres

Annual Taxes: $21,933

Lot Size: 15.85 Acres

Annual Taxes: $21,933


Huntington National Bank


Chip Erb

Viewing Dates

None. Vacant land.

Property Map

Lead Auctioneer

Barry Baker
Email Barry

W: 937-581-3037
F: 614-635-3474

Basic Terms:

*This is a Foreclosure Auction ordered by a County Common Pleas Judge. The foreclosure process clears all liens and encumbrances on the subject property.

*The property sells with a minimum opening bid of 2/3 of the appraised value.

*In the case of a tax-lien foreclosure, the opening bid is the aggregate of the tax certificate, interest, court costs and current tax proration.

*The required deposits are as follows:
$2,000 for properties appraised for $10,000 or less.
$5,000 for properties appraised between $10,000 and $200,000.
$10,000 for properties appraised over $200,000.

*If the property is being sold at a physical location, the buyer will immediately write a check for the required deposit. If there are no bids at an on-site auction there will be a second auction between 7-30 days later. The second auction will be offered regardless of price.

*If the property is being sold Online, the successful bidder must wire or directly deposit the required amount into the Chase Bank trust account for Ohio Sheriff Sales within 24 hours of the end of the auction. Credit cards may also be taken for the deposit along with a 3% processing fee.

*The real estate is sold As-Is with no contingencies. All inspections (if available) must be done prior to Auction.

*Close within 30 days of court confirmation.

*No contract is signed after the auction. A one page buyer information form is the only document that is required by the court. See http://www.ohiosheriffsales.com/download_forms for the form.

*A 10% buyer's premium will be added to the high bid to obtain the final selling price.

*Buyer pays all closing costs.

*Private Selling Officer deed or equivalent given at closing with no liens or back taxes.

*The purchaser shall be responsible for those costs, allowances, and taxes that the proceeds of the sale are insufficient to cover.


Realtor Participation:

Realtor showings and cooperation are encouraged if the property is vacant and on lock box. For full compensation instructions, see http://www.ohiosheriffsales.com/realtors Please call Auctioneer to schedule all showings.

Number of Times Viewed: 2712